Resource Library

Here you can find a vast array of resources curated or created by Digital Frontiers over the lifetime of the project, activities, and buy-ins

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12 Resources

Digital Regulation and Threats to Democracy: How Digital Laws Often Fail to Protect Digital Rights in Sub-Saharan Africa

This report explores how digital policy, laws, and regulations often fail to protect digital rights in SSA and how USAID can support the adoption and implementation of law and regulations that protect digital rights....

ICT Policy

Democratizing Digital: Considering Digital Threats to Democracy in Sub-Saharan Africa

Digital tools play an increasingly critical role in achieving development outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa. Mobile money has lifted people out of poverty by making it easier and cheaper to save and send money, while internet access delivers vital health and...


Digital Threats to Democracy in the Global Health Sector

The benefits of digital health tools in low- and middle-income countries are clear. According to USAID’s Vision for Action in Digital Health, they “can improve health outcomes, increase the quality and accessibility of care, address the needs of clients a...


Digital Threats to Democracy in the Education Sector

The US Government Strategy on International Basic Education underscores the importance of digital tools in the education sector, stating that technology “can reduce cost and improve effectiveness, resulting in expanded access to quality education and impro...


Digital Threats to Democracy in the Economic Growth Sector

Mobile technologies and associated services accounted for $5.2 trillion of economic value added in 2022, or five percent of global gross domestic product, and was responsible for 28 million jobs around the globe, according to GSMA. The benefits of digital...
