Resource Library

Here you can find a vast array of resources curated or created by Digital Frontiers over the lifetime of the project, activities, and buy-ins

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43 Resources

Case Study: A Humanity-centric Journey Towards Digitally Empowered Fishers

Marginalization of smallholder fishers is not an inevitable outcome, but derives from policies and imbalances of power...

Digital Agriculture

Inclusively Advancing Agri-Food Systems through AI and Automation

Can AI inclusively advance agri-food systems?...

Digital Agriculture

Farmer-Centric Data Governance: Towards A New Paradigm

The potential benefits of digital agriculture are prolific. However, farm data is generally collected by others, and smallholder farmers rely on external resources, like weather data, and proprietary tools that provide specific advisories....

Digital Agriculture

Malawi Digital Agriculture Assessment

This assessment, commissioned by USAID/Malawi and conducted by Intellecap Advisory Services under Digital Frontiers in 2022, evaluated the digital agriculture ecosystem in Malawi....

Digital Agriculture

Mali Digital Agriculture Assessment (FR)

Development Gateway (DG) et Athena Infonomics ont effectué une évaluation de l’écosystème agricole numérique au Mali, entre septembre 2021 et janvier 2022, suivant la méthodologie Country Assessment Landscape Methodology (CALM) de DG....

Digital Agriculture