Resource Library

Here you can find a vast array of resources curated or created by Digital Frontiers over the lifetime of the project, activities, and buy-ins

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62 Resources

Digital Literacy Sectoral Briefer: Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance (DRG)

Digital literacy enables the use of digital tools and technologies that improve the provision of public sector services such as revenue collection; enhance the transparency and accountability of governments; and engage key stakeholders ....

Digital Literacy

Digital Literacy Sectoral Briefer: Economic Growth and Trade

Digital tools are transforming how firms of all sizes do business. In addition to facilitating the free flow of information, they also help firms access new customers and employees enhancing their efficiency and increasing their competitiveness....

Digital Literacy

Digital Literacy Sectoral Briefer: Youth

To access the full benefits of digital transformation, like highly skilled jobs and digital citizen engagement, young people need to cultivate the skills to use—and protect themselves while using—digital tools....

Digital Literacy Emerging Technology

Digital Literacy Sectoral Briefer: Global Health

Digital literacy is essential to sustaining a quickly evolving digital health landscape, especially as digital adoption and innovation accelerate in the health sector....

Digital Literacy

Digital Literacy Sectoral Briefer: Environment, Energy, and Infrastructure (EEI)

Digital literacy is important for expanding digital technologies in USAID’s environment, energy, and infrastructure portfolio, tackling global challenges like climate change, energy and water services insecurity, and access to sustainable infrastructure....

Digital Literacy Last-Mile Connectivity