Resource Library

Here you can find a vast array of resources curated or created by Digital Frontiers over the lifetime of the project, activities, and buy-ins

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62 Resources

Digital Development Advisor Factsheet

Digital Development Advisors (DDA) serve in USAID Missions and Bureaus as experts on digital ecosystems and provide guidance on anticipating, recognizing, and reacting to changes and opportunities in these ecosystems....

Gender Digital Divide Digital Literacy Cybersecurity Last-Mile Connectivity ICT Policy Digital Financial Services Emerging Technology Digital Agriculture
Fact Sheet

Cybersecurity Sectoral Brief - Education

There is a direct link between increased global connectivity and access to education....


Cybersecurity Sectoral Briefer - Youth

Young people are increasingly online in a rapidly digitizing world.1 Easier access to the Internet has fundamentally changed the way many youth interact with the world around them....


Cybersecurity Sectoral Briefer - Agriculture and Food Security

Digital technologies have the potential to boost agricultural productivity to meet global food demand....

Cybersecurity Digital Agriculture

Cybersecurity Sectoral Briefer - Digital Financial Services

Digital Financial Services in lower and middle income countries (LMICs) are growing both organically and through USAID assistance and take a few different forms....

Cybersecurity Digital Financial Services