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49 Resources

El reporte de la Evaluación País del Ecosistema Digital del Salvador

El reporte de la Evaluación País del Ecosistema Digital del Salvador presenta los hallazgos y recomendaciones del DECA del Salvador....

Digital Literacy ICT Policy Digital Financial Services

Eastern and Southern Caribbean Regional Digital Ecosystem Country Assessment (DECA)

he Eastern and Southern Caribbean (ESC) Regional Digital Ecosystem Country Assessment (DECA) report presents the findings and recommendations of the DECA, covering 11 ESC countries: Antigua & Barbuda, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Saint Kitts & Nevi...

Cybersecurity Last-Mile Connectivity Digital Financial Services

DECA Toolkit Templates

The DECA Toolkit contains templates and resources specific to each DECA phase. These templates are intended to standardize the research process and make it easy for the Research Team to conduct an efficient, thorough, and impactful DECA....


DECA Toolkit Research Checklist

The Digital Ecosystem Country Assessment (DECA) Toolkit Research Checklist is your technical “North Star” to be used throughout the DECA process. It includes guidance and questions for each DECA topic....


Informe Sobre La Evaluación del Sistema Digital (DECA) Colombia

En ciertos aspectos, Colombia es un microcosmos del mundo digital de 2020: centros urbanos altamente conectados con una creciente industria tecnológica, y vastas zonas rurales desatendidas con una inmensa necesidad de inversión y potencial para la innovaci...

Gender Digital Divide Cybersecurity Last-Mile Connectivity Digital Financial Services