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49 Resources

Mali Digital Ecosystem Country Assessment (DECA): Country Snapshot

Mali has made great strides in building out its connectivity infrastructure, but political instability and conflict hinder further investment. The Government of Mali has laid over 3,000 kilometers of fiber optic cable, deployed computers and satellite conn...

Gender Digital Divide Digital Literacy Cybersecurity Last-Mile Connectivity ICT Policy Digital Financial Services

Mali Évaluation de l'Écosystème Numérique par Pays (DECA): Aperçu de La Situation Du Pays

L'Évaluation de l'écosystème numérique par pays (DECA), une initiative phare de la stratégie numérique, soutient les missions de l'USAID afin de mieux comprendre, soutenir et travailler avec les écosystèmes numériques des pays....

Gender Digital Divide Digital Literacy Cybersecurity Last-Mile Connectivity ICT Policy Digital Financial Services

Mali Évaluation de l'Écosystème Numérique par Pays (DECA)

Le rapport Mali Digital Ecosystem Country Assessment (DECA) présente les conclusions et les recommandations du Mali DECA. Il décrit les aspects clés de l'écosystème numérique du Mali et fournit 11 recommandations pour créer un environnement plus inclusif,...

Gender Digital Divide Digital Literacy Cybersecurity Last-Mile Connectivity ICT Policy Digital Financial Services

Mali Digital Ecosystem Country Assessment (DECA)

The Mali Digital Ecosystem Country Assessment (DECA) report presents the findings and recommendations of the Mali DECA. It outlines the key aspects of Mali’s digital ecosystem and provides 11 recommendations for creating a more inclusive, safe, and enablin...

Gender Digital Divide Digital Literacy Cybersecurity Last-Mile Connectivity ICT Policy Digital Financial Services

Libya DECA: Country Snapshot

Several key factors have shaped Libya’s current digital ecosystem and will influence its evolution in coming years. The most prominent is the decade-long period of conflict beginning with the 2011 revolution. During this time, intermittent violence, geogra...

Digital Literacy Cybersecurity Digital Financial Services